Inspiring Youth to Dream Out Loud
iD.A.Y.dream (Interactive Developing Aspired Youth) operates on a year round basis. Our programs are community based and events are designed to welcome middle and high school youth ages 12-18.
iD.A.Y.dream (Interactive Developing Aspired Youth) strives to be the premier program of youth experiences, opportunities and seeks to make this experience affordable and available to all interested participants.
eligibility criteria
To participate in our programs, individuals must:
· Be between the ages of 12-18
· Obtain parental consent for participation (applicable for ages 12-18)
· At minimum, be a MS, HS or GED student
· Reside in California or Washington
· Have a low- to moderate- household income
· Be highly motivated to learn new skills
· Commit to our program attendance policy
· Communicate regularly with program staff/volunteers
· Abide by all program policies and procedures
enrollment steps
To apply and enroll in any of our programs, individuals must complete the following steps within 30 days of the program start date:
· Sign up to Become a Dreamer (website)
· Fill out our detailed Program Application
For our life skills and mentoring programs, the following steps are additional:
· Complete an Online Orientation
· Take the Casey Life Skills Assessment (CLSA)
· Review CLSA results virtually or by phone with program staff
aTtendance policy
Our attendance policy allows for up to 1 excused absence for our Mentoring and Leadership Programs, and up to 2 excused absences for our Life Skills Training Program. We understand that emergencies happen and students may need to be excused from class. We ask that students communicate any anticipated absence with our program staff and make arrangements to make up any missed work. Youth who miss the maximum number of program sessions allowable may be removed from the program and/or forfeit part or all of the allotted program stipend.
win & Commit
iD.A.Y.dream (Interactive Developing Aspired Youth) incorporates incentive funds to distribute stipends via gift cards as well as additional prizes to reward participants for goal achievement and to encourage program completion. With our Win and Commit incentive program, youth earn a stipend for each curriculum component they successfully complete (e.g., training and mentoring sessions), allowing youth to build assets to support their transition to adulthood. Youth can also earn bonus dollars by completing volunteer projects or community service activities. All Win and Commit stipends are distributed to participants upon successful program completion.